The Duomo

The Duomo

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The more extravagant things I behold here in Florence...the more I long to return to my more minimalistic existence. Seriously, I am really what the group and I are calling "museum-ed out." The dust of this 3 week whirlwind tour hasn't yet begun to settle and I find myself being forced to reflect and choose favorite moments. This i s almost impossible for me at the time of this blog. I can say, however, that I came to Italy not caring about old paintings or sculptures and I remain in that frame of mind even now. In fact...the more old stuff I see, the more I long for the future. I know it's wrong...ok..maybe not "wrong" per say, but many things are just better as they get refined. Besides, I am not one for over-the-top fluff. I am fairly vain, but usually in a negative way and prefer not to be in photographs. The well-to-do in the paintings and palaces and churches and blah blah blah are just the opposite. "Look upon me and all my splendor. Fear me and fear my wealth. I have power over all." Bite me, I say. I mean, there are things I have seen that are incredible...such as the structures themselves...things built to serve a purpose (like tables or ceilings)...that have lasted for centuries. I am impressed with this much more than the "artwork" most people come here to see. I believe art is more a release and should have more behind it then just to adorn the rich and famous' bedroom walls. I am fully aware that they couldn't just post pics to Facebook and live eternally through the digital revolution like we can today, but when every single painting is about religion or religion or religion or the's spirit crushing for me. I guess I just don't see the world that way. So, in some ways I am seeing what I expected to see. And, in other ways there are things here that are great. Maybe next time the class should go to the Ferrari factory in Modena...'cause for a petrol-head like me; that's art. Art that you can use. HA.

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