The Duomo

The Duomo

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Florence Smells

Ok. You have to remember that this is coming from someone that lives in the suburbs and always has. And, it is also from someone who's olfactory sense isn't always up to snuff. All that being said however, Florence kinda stinks. When you wake up at 7:30am and get out the door to greet the day only to take in that first unpleasant waft, it's a total turn off. Then with each 5 or 6 new steps you may encounter 3 or 4 new, and equally unpleasant, odors. My favorite, of course, is the raw sewage variety. Chalk this one up to the renaissance era plumbing...fine. But, then there is last nights american college student's's there. Or the constant puppy fecal matter or urine fragrance.....yuck. Is it like this in every city? It might be. Of course there are other smells too; like industrial train tracks, centuries of decay, or the ever-plentiful 2-stroke exhaust.....sigh. These are things I never want to get used to. So I usually just hold my breath or grin and bear it. Thankfully, there are 1 or 2 good....really good...smells also. But, you didn't think that was possible... The best example is the bakery on the corner of my street. Every day, between sewage and urine, I get a magnificent wiff of this place. It always smells the same and it always pleases me to pass by. Chocolate pastries and non-chocolate This is my favorite aroma of the trip. There are most likely other bakeries or food shops delivering appetizing scents..but I maintain that mine is the best. The other aromas I find appealing are those of the beautiful women here. I leave you there.

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