The Duomo

The Duomo

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 7th 2012
Today molly, nikki, hanna, and I all went to the local cafe and saw Ileanora (not sure if I spelt that right) for our daily cafe, before we rushed to meet the rest of the crew to climbed up the Duomo and continued to climb but the view at the top was breathtaking and I would climb it again just take a look at the picture...enough said. Then we all headed to the market to buy the freshest food you could fresh you need to eat it withing 2 days. Then I headed to my second class where we took a tour around florence to taste food! Gelato and white truffle sandwhich mmmmmm As if I didn't have enough to eat all ready we all met up at Marc and Barbara's apartment for dinner and dessert to celebrate James and Hannah's birthday =) Art and Food that is what best describes my trip in Florence so far.
Ciao, Hailey

1 comment:

  1. Hailey, I think Art + Food is a wonderful description of any fabulous experience! It was lovely to have you all over to the apartment last night. I think we can safely add "laughter" as an element of our experience.
